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Health & Safety Policy


Transvac Systems (“ Transvac ”) recognises and accepts its legal obligations (under the Health   and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and all applicable regulations made under it) to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all its employees, persons in training, directors , contractors and temporary workers (“Employees”) and the health and safety of visitors and other persons who attend or use its premises and who may be affected by its work (“Visitors”).   



In accordance with its legal obligations, Transvac has carried out a risk assessment of its activities, equipment, facilities, building and all other related arrangements where matters of health and safety may be involved.  This Health and Safety Policy (“the Policy”) is designed to enable Transvac to comply with its statutory health and safety obligations, to apply the necessary measures identified in its risk assessment and to adopt all other reasonably practicable measures (within the limits of available resources) to: 

  • Reduce hazards and the risk of personal injury to its Employees and Visitors arising out of its activities; 

  • Maintain a safe and healthy place of work; and  reduce hazards and the risk of damage to its property. 


Identification and Assessment: 

 In particular, Transvac shall: 

  • Continue to identify hazards and assess risks to health and safety; 

  • Provide and maintain safe plant, equipment and systems of work that are free of risk to health;

  • Maintain any place of work under its control (including access and egress) safe and free of risk to health; 

  • Provide safe arrangements for the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances; 

  • Provide adequate and appropriate information, instructions, training and supervision; 

  • Consult with all Employees’ health and safety representatives on health and safety matters;

  • Liaise with contractors and other employers where necessary;

  • Monitor, inspect and review the implementation of this Policy; and 

  • Review and update this Policy annually.


Health & Safety Policy

Transvac Systems

Marlowe House, Unit B, Rudford Industrial Estate

United Kingdom

BN18 0BF 

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